Monday, November 15, 2010


T: The theory of continental drift.
H: Alfred Wegener and Pangaea.
I: What are pangaea and panthalassa?the supercontinent and the ocean that surrounded it. What is the theory of continental drift? The theory that all of the continents used to be one giant supercontinent and has slowly drifted apart.
E: In 1912, a German meteorologist and polar explorer named Alfred Wegener proposed what was at that time a startling idea.
V: Pangaea- all of the earth. Panthalassa-all of the sea. Theory of continental drift-the thoery that the continents were once a single landmass that drifted apart a continue to drift.<------- pangaea

T: Chapter 13 section 2 : The theory of continental drift.
H: Evidnce for continental drift
I: what evidence did Alfred Wegener use to support the theory of continental drift?he showed geological evidence and showed that the fossils of the the same species of animal were found on different continents. Why did scientists not wideley accept the theory of continental drift when Wegener originally proposed it? the didnt believe that anything that huge could be possible. What further evidence might have strengthened his theory? if he said that the continents all sat on different continental plates.
E: In the 1600's, the first accurate world maps become available.
1)Gaea is the greek godess of the earth.
2)There is evidence of fossils of the same creature on both north america and africa.
Multiple choice:
1)the name of the supercontinent is
A) pangaea B) panthalassa
C)america  D)  russia
2) why couldnt wegener prove the thoery of continental drift.
A) he didnt have enough information. B) he thought there was nothing else to discover
1)alfred wegener proposed the thoery of _____________
2) _______ is the ocean that surrounded the supercontinent.
S:my section was about The Theory of Continental Drift and in this section it talks about Alfred Wegener the man who proposed the idea of it but he didnt have enough information to back it up and now we learn that there was a hidden component that alfred couldnt have found even if he tried.

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